Embrace Your Evolution: Journey with Liver King

Forging the Chain of Man's Biological Imperative
Pulling infinity chains for a mile: hard.
Adding frictional drag: harder.
Making it progressively heavier/harder: that's your fucking job!
AKA, man's biological imperative.
The sword of actualization can only be linked in blood and forged in fire...
EVERYTHING is a link... a part of the chain... there's a happening (in everything).
Stimulus (sacrifice).
Response (six-pack).
Result (eternal light and glory).
It's the iteration/expression cycle of life...
The depth of sacrifice is commensurate w/ the reward, love, and light.
To respond, engage and fucking dominate our cosmos... our consciousness.
Aligning and increasing our capacity to actualize our higher vibrations
To feel as free as the air, integrating a collective intelligence, expressing awe and wondrous beauty, everything good and nothing more pure and true.
In other words, more six-packs!
No particle out of place...
No mistake happening...
Little Brian soaked in a pool of his own blood...
That's what they're called "push-ups."
How ya doing... perfect and getting better at same time.

Complementary Opposites of the Cosmos
"Spacetime gravity is relative" blabbers, Einstein.
Matter tells spacetime to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move.
"Complementary opposites" of the cosmos...
Mass matters!
Gravitational pull matters.
Frictional drag matters.
Throwing oneself (one's own volition) into the fire of sacrifice, rage, pain, hate, hurt, suffer, and a struggle that'll take you so goddam deep, there's zero fucking light... ZERO! This matters the most.
The gateway to warmth, fulfillment, love and light, and the purpose-built force and might of 10,000 men (easy).
These infinity chains connect me to everything that matters in this very moment... the eternal here and now.
The mass of me bends and bleeds spacetime into something else.
My spacetime reorients my mass (my matters), into those higher vibrations... along the continuum of pure light.
Complementary opposites.
Inextricably linked to shape a reality w/ our bare fuckng hands.
The elegant dance of savage luxury
The cosmos in you, and at scale, require this elegant dance of savage luxury.
And Interplay between ...
Emails got leaked. Life got geometrically truer, better and more beautiful.
Two weeks ago, wife and I had the worst fight night in a decade while simultaneously having the most epic night of warmth, love and a deeper depth of connection. (in same day)
It's our fucking cosmos...
It's our collective consciousness...
It's EVERYTHING because you’re EVERYTHING that's beautiful, good, and true.
Love, light, our ancestral father.
From Darkness to Proud AF Barbarian-King
Brian vs LK... who am I?
A pathetic weak and worthless piece of shit 10 yr old boy w/ lights out and no hope, to proud AF Barbarian-King double-fisting battle axes and running up the mountain to no...fucking..end!
I'm a fucking man that realized I was not satisfied with the piece of shit person I made with my life.
I made the Liver King because he was a collection of all my childhood heroes.
I became the Liver King and locked that other bitch in the cage.
I did that to protect myself.
I'd spent most of my life failing and alone.
I'd protect myself until I no longer could.
I've paid enough deaths for this life I get to live in now.
I am my 4 swords.
I'm the mother fucking universe...
I'm the king of all kings...
I'm the infinite capacity to express ANY reality.
It's why we're here
I'm a man on a mission to squeeze every drop of blood and beauty outta every fucking moment.
Whatever metaphor you want to call me: Brian Johnson, Liver King, Liver King 2.0... nothing changes what I am (my savage beast soul), and why (my moral animal).
To respond and engage to a cosmos that's beautiful. Good and true. Perfect and getting better at the same time.
But it requires a certain kind of chain-linked blood.
Reply if you have it!
Forging the Chain of Man's Biological Imperative
Pulling infinity chains for a mile: hard.
Adding frictional drag: harder.
Making it progressively heavier/harder: that's your fucking job!
AKA, man's biological imperative.
The sword of actualization can only be linked in blood and forged in fire...
EVERYTHING is a link... a part of the chain... there's a happening (in everything).
Stimulus (sacrifice).
Response (six-pack).
Result (eternal light and glory).
It's the iteration/expression cycle of life...
The depth of sacrifice is commensurate w/ the reward, love, and light.
To respond, engage and fucking dominate our cosmos... our consciousness.
Aligning and increasing our capacity to actualize our higher vibrations
To feel as free as the air, integrating a collective intelligence, expressing awe and wondrous beauty, everything good and nothing more pure and true.
In other words, more six-packs!
No particle out of place...
No mistake happening...
Little Brian soaked in a pool of his own blood...
That's what they're called "push-ups."
How ya doing... perfect and getting better at same time.
Complementary Opposites of the Cosmos
"Spacetime gravity is relative" blabbers, Einstein.
Matter tells spacetime to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move.
"Complementary opposites" of the cosmos...
Mass matters!
Gravitational pull matters.
Frictional drag matters.
Throwing oneself (one's own volition) into the fire of sacrifice, rage, pain, hate, hurt, suffer, and a struggle that'll take you so goddam deep, there's zero fucking light... ZERO! This matters the most.
The gateway to warmth, fulfillment, love and light, and the purpose-built force and might of 10,000 men (easy).
These infinity chains connect me to everything that matters in this very moment... the eternal here and now.
The mass of me bends and bleeds spacetime into something else.
My spacetime reorients my mass (my matters), into those higher vibrations... along the continuum of pure light.
Complementary opposites.
Inextricably linked to shape a reality w/ our bare fuckng hands.
The elegant dance of savage luxury
The cosmos in you, and at scale, require this elegant dance of savage luxury.
And Interplay between ...
Emails got leaked. Life got geometrically truer, better and more beautiful.
Two weeks ago, wife and I had the worst fight night in a decade while simultaneously having the most epic night of warmth, love and a deeper depth of connection. (in same day)
It's our fucking cosmos...
It's our collective consciousness...
It's EVERYTHING because you’re EVERYTHING that's beautiful, good, and true.
Love, light, our ancestral father.
From Darkness to Proud AF Barbarian-King
Brian vs LK... who am I?
A pathetic weak and worthless piece of shit 10 yr old boy w/ lights out and no hope, to proud AF Barbarian-King double-fisting battle axes and running up the mountain to no...fucking..end!
I'm a fucking man that realized I was not satisfied with the piece of shit person I made with my life.
I made the Liver King because he was a collection of all my childhood heroes.
I became the Liver King and locked that other bitch in the cage.
I did that to protect myself.
I'd spent most of my life failing and alone.
I'd protect myself until I no longer could.
I've paid enough deaths for this life I get to live in now.
I am my 4 swords.
I'm the mother fucking universe...
I'm the king of all kings...
I'm the infinite capacity to express ANY reality.
It's why we're here
I'm a man on a mission to squeeze every drop of blood and beauty outta every fucking moment.
Whatever metaphor you want to call me: Brian Johnson, Liver King, Liver King 2.0... nothing changes what I am (my savage beast soul), and why (my moral animal).
To respond and engage to a cosmos that's beautiful. Good and true. Perfect and getting better at the same time.
But it requires a certain kind of chain-linked blood.
Reply if you have it!