One of my best days as a dad!

One of my best days as a dad!
Rad's horse followed mine... My horse full sends into a sprint.
Rad's horse follows into a tree.
A lower hanging branch displaces my boy like a knight jousting in battle. Everyone is watching... A network film crew... A social media crew... A LK ranch crew... A collective cosmos self organizing something catastrophically beautiful. @liverboyrad is no ordinary boy though...
Never forget, you are a mother-fucking-barbarian...
You've volunteered your blood for battle. Trust me... I get it. Everyone is watching... You're limping back to the camp. Blood is dripping from the left side of your face. You're in fucking shock, man. Mamma bear is coming to rescue you... A film crew opens a door. In a disoriented state, you crawl in (to a cage). You're safe now. Nobody said a single fucking syllable this entire happening. Until now...
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" – LK
I continue w/ a tone so convincing and assured
You'd think I wasn't trembling and dying to rescue him myself. Thinking... We could end all this! Thinking... He could stay in the car, and he could feel a false but satisfying sense of protection, and ain't no one sayn shit about a missed opportunity. Everyone knew that it was the right thing to do... just fucking let him collect himself, and take the reasonable ride home.

"Get your ass back on that horse!"
If only you could feel the way his eyes looked at me in utter disbelief.
"You're a goddam Barbarian, brother."
Be proud of your blood. Let's go home. I made it unequivocally clear, no mamma bear nor anything divine, would stand in my way to do my fucking job.
We rode back, together. Side by side.
His horse bucked a bit. He remembered the feeling again, and again. He assigned a new metaphor to the experience. He rescued himself. He believes more in his limitless capacity. Because I did my fucking job!
A catastrophe of a day. Everything fucked...
Reggie's horse bucked him 2 mins in. Rad's horse was on a mission. Justin's took his money maker face through thorns. Stryker's rolled over in a stream (w/ him still saddled). Queen's kicked any horse w/in reach. Perfection, frozen in time. Just fucking "perfect", and getting better at the same time. Dad's, do your fucking job!
One of my best days as a dad!
Rad's horse followed mine... My horse full sends into a sprint.
Rad's horse follows into a tree.
A lower hanging branch displaces my boy like a knight jousting in battle. Everyone is watching... A network film crew... A social media crew... A LK ranch crew... A collective cosmos self organizing something catastrophically beautiful. @liverboyrad is no ordinary boy though...
Never forget, you are a mother-fucking-barbarian...
You've volunteered your blood for battle. Trust me... I get it. Everyone is watching... You're limping back to the camp. Blood is dripping from the left side of your face. You're in fucking shock, man. Mamma bear is coming to rescue you... A film crew opens a door. In a disoriented state, you crawl in (to a cage). You're safe now. Nobody said a single fucking syllable this entire happening. Until now...
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" – LK
I continue w/ a tone so convincing and assured
You'd think I wasn't trembling and dying to rescue him myself. Thinking... We could end all this! Thinking... He could stay in the car, and he could feel a false but satisfying sense of protection, and ain't no one sayn shit about a missed opportunity. Everyone knew that it was the right thing to do... just fucking let him collect himself, and take the reasonable ride home.
"Get your ass back on that horse!"
If only you could feel the way his eyes looked at me in utter disbelief.
"You're a goddam Barbarian, brother."
Be proud of your blood. Let's go home. I made it unequivocally clear, no mamma bear nor anything divine, would stand in my way to do my fucking job.
We rode back, together. Side by side.
His horse bucked a bit. He remembered the feeling again, and again. He assigned a new metaphor to the experience. He rescued himself. He believes more in his limitless capacity. Because I did my fucking job!
A catastrophe of a day. Everything fucked...
Reggie's horse bucked him 2 mins in. Rad's horse was on a mission. Justin's took his money maker face through thorns. Stryker's rolled over in a stream (w/ him still saddled). Queen's kicked any horse w/in reach. Perfection, frozen in time. Just fucking "perfect", and getting better at the same time. Dad's, do your fucking job!