We have created our own adaptation of the Westside Barbell Conjugate method, because we believe it’s the most badass methodology in strength.
Plus, it fucking hurts. That’s precisely the point. Don’t forget, overcoming hard things is at the centre of greater purpose and happiness.
The LIVER KING protocol:
Work hard everyday. Sometimes twice a day. Even on rest days, Liver King is always moving.
Monday AM: Lower body, focusing on 1RMs.
Monday PM: Metabolic conditioning, focusing on muscle hypertrophy. Think: heavy pulls, olympic lifts, hand-stand push-ups, chest-to-bar push-ups and legless rope climbs.
Tuesday AM: Back, rear delts + core.
Tuesday PM: Upper body push. Plenty of dynamic, plyometric movement.
Wednesday: This means several miles walking in the sun, followed by some sprint variations on the assault bike, rower or ski erg. The combination simulates a successful hunt. Liver King breaks the 24-hour fast after this and only if it’s earned.
Thursday AM: Lower body, with more plyometric work.
Thursday PM: Metabolic conditioning, again focusing on hypertrophy. Cue more heavy pulls, olympic lifts, KB swings and heavy carries.
Friday AM: Upper body, focusing on 1RMs.
Friday PM: Metabolic conditioning, emphasis on hypertrophy. This time, adding ring muscle-ups, heavy ball cleans and more hand-stand walks.
Saturday AM: My favourite workout of all. The Super Barbarian, featuring numerous strong-man movements and finishing with core.
Sunday: More slow miles in the sun, and some non-negotiable Tabata push-ups. Then Liver King calls it a week.
There is a mismatch between our physical activity we experience in the modern world and our ancestral environment. This is almost as big a mismatch as is diet. That's why the third Ancestral Tenet is Move.
Improve your workoutsIf you train, eat or live in the same way for too long, you will adapt and cease to grow in body, mind and spirit. So the Liver King advice is simple – vary the way you train.
Play with how you combine force and acceleration.
And as always, don’t be afraid to struggle. Struggle creates strength.
What you do with your body is just as important as what you put into it. By maintaining a “healthy level of movement,” one develops a healthy approach to consumption, where instincts become far more identifiable and beneficial.
Simply try moving more. Just put one foot in front of the other. Get 10,000 steps a day or walk for around 60 to 90 minutes.
Start by lifting heavy and following a workout regimen.
Get moving and take notice of how other things fall into place.